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Evidence from central Mexico supporting the Younger Dryas extraterrestrial impact hypothesis

This paper examines sediments of Lake Cuitzeo of central Mexico, and interprets very strange components of a strange unusual layer of materials dated to the beginning of the Younger Dryas. This unique lacustrine carbon rich layer posesses traces of microspherules which have been interpreted as evidence of a cosmic impact. Data was attained from a […]

New Recording of a Turbidity Current

Researchers were able to record a large turbidity current in Monterey Canyon off of the coast of California in January.  The mass of sediment moved more than 50 km from a depth of 300 m below the sea level to more than 1800 m below the sea level.  The turbidity current moved over 8 m/s at […]

What is Marine snow?

Marine snow – though it sounds like magical ice snowflakes drifting through the ocean is actually made up of many more particles than its land counterpart. When things happen in the ocean such as dying/decomposing animals particles of these events break up, and slowly drift down to the sea floor. These biological components and additional […]

The Fastest Eroding Coast in Europe

Along the Yorkshire coast from Flamborough Head to Spurn Head, the coast is eroding faster than anywhere else in Europe.  The coastline loses an average of 5 feet of land every year and about 29 villages have been lost to the sea since the Roman Empire.  This area is bounded by the North Sea with […]

Major Rivers without Deltas

  Narmada River in India The Narmada River flows east to west, and is 815.2 miles long. It  originates in a small reservoir called Narmada Kund at a fairly high elevation, and empties into the Gulf of Khambhat. The high source elevation gives the water a lot of force, as the flow of the water […]

Dust Storms

Dust storms are to deserts what floods are to rivers. They are quick, massive, and dangerous.  Like floods, they can also cause destruction to infrastructure, including homes, and people have been killed by them (Giuggio). However, the main danger presented by dust storms is longer term than being buried under piles of sand. Dust storms […]

Dunes on Mars

Figure 1. a) Features found on Mars, b) and c) features found in Namibia.   European scientists M.C. Bourke and H.A. Viles from the University of Dublin and the University of Oxford, have been studying coastal dunes in Namibia because they are similar to features that have been found on Mars. Based on their studies, […]

Major Types of Dunes: Where and How They Form

By: Madeline Kollegger and Taylore Grunert Parabolic Parabolic dunes – also called U-shaped, blowout, or hairpin dunes – tend to form where vegetation covers the sand. Winds may erode a section, pushing the sediment leeward. The vegetation will hold back the arms of the dune, so that the dune points in the leeward direction. The […]

Sediment Loss on the Mississippi River Delta

The Mississippi River Delta is losing a football field of wetlands every hour. This is partly because of all the levees being built along the Mississippi River to stop the river from flooding communities. The levees may seem like a good idea to the people living alongside the Mississippi, but the river needs to naturally […]

Channeled Scablands

20,000 years ago the Cordilleran Ice Sheet was moving north. In western Montana a particular ice lobe from this sheet blocked a crucial valley in a  place called Clark Hill. Because this crucial pass was blocked off, melt water from the ice sheet began to fill a giant basin now referred to as Missoula. The […]

The Grand Canyon, From the Sediment Perspective

Madeline Kollegger and Taylore Grunert The Grand Canyon is known around the world for its incredible layers, and defying depth. It formed from the bed of the Ancient Colorado River, as it wound around the plateaus in the Colorado Plateau Province. The water in the river, and the sediment it carried wore away at the […]